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We’ve all heard that as the economy has recovered, there’s a shortage of good talent. That’s not great news for those of us who expect to be filling positions on our teams because we all know how critical our teams are to our success.
My daughter just changed positions, and had three offers. The three positions were about the same in terms of work and pay. She chose one position because of the leader (the boss of the people she’d be reporting to on a day to day basis). What did he do to win her over?
1) He shared his passion for his team’s mission in terms that made her excited without sugar-coating the tough work that they do,
2) He explained how he develops members of his team to improve their capabilities as professionals,
3) He talked about what differentiated his team from those of his competitors,
4) He made it clear that he thought that she’d be a welcome addition to the team and explained why.
The other thing that won her over was the enthusiasm that members of his team showed for their work and how the leader respected their contributions and input. In other words, the leader’s vision for his team was consistent with what she picked up from her interactions with the team.
So what can you do? You can look at the four things this leader did and ask yourself if you are able to do what he did. If you can, then it may be helpful to script out your “spiel” for each one of these items except the last, which will depend on the candidate in question.
If you can’t do any one of the first three items, it may be time to look in the mirror to determine if you are the leader that you want to be. After all, if you can’t attract quality talent to your team, how well will you be able to retain the quality talent that you have? Research shows that most people who change jobs are driven to change because of frustration with their bosses.
QUESTION: How do you attract the best talent to your team?
Leadership/Career Coach Kris Ishibashi works with leaders to bring together their skills, their authentic selves, and their intentions to inspire their organizations to superior performance. Click here to set up a complimentary consultation.