What is your strategy for making sure that you get enough sleep?
Of the 81 responses that I tabulated, the greatest number of responses (43%) centered around an evening ritual of winding down in a variety of ways, be it reading, prayer, meditation, yoga or other activity. The next most frequent type of comment centered on lifestyle - most commonly exercise during the day. Some talked about state of mind, and others talked about being in a mindset where they were at peace. The third most prevalent comment was around scheduling - having a consistent time of going to bed each night and making it a priority. The next most frequent comment talked about the timing and types of food or drink consumed in relation to bedtime, whether it was avoiding alcohol and caffeine or drinking warm milk. The last topic that came up frequently was the physical conditions of the bedroom - that it was cool, dark, and/or had no electronics.
If you want to read more on this topic, check out my blog post on sleep by clicking here.